We had our club forum. Graham mentioned he attended Bendigo Bank’s AGM and there was special mention of Robyn’s awesome work on financial education for all neighbourhood houses in the Banyule community, well done Robyn!!

Robyn shared updates from the recent meeting for participants of the upcoming Cambodian trip. So far $30K funds was raised!! The Rotary grant will not be receivable till early next year due to Rotary’s backlog in processing of paperwork.

Carl spoke with all members and completed the rosters for the Alphington Community BBQ scheduled for Saturday 23rd November, and our club’s two Bunnings BBQ scheduled for Saturday 14th December and Friday 20th December, well done Carl and thank you to all members who have signed up as volunteers for these BBQs!!

Carl emphasised to all club members the importance of reading the AGM documents attached to Nellie’s weekly email dated 17/11 and to nominate Board roles for the new financial year prior to our AGM on 4 Dec 2024.