We were very pleased to be joined by the Mayor of the City of Banyule, Cr Alison Champion.
Alison explained how the Council Briefings are continuing on Monday nights using ZOOM, and how Council meetings are being held online with seven councillors and only essential staff in the meeting room. The Municipal Association is working on changing rules to allow online voting.

Most Council staff are working from home, although the CEO is in her office every day. There is currently no physical customer service desk.

The Leisure Centre and Gym have been most badly affected by the Covid-19 shutdowns. However, capital works projects that were already underway are continuing with little impact on their expected completion dates.

Questioned about the Council’s response to the North East Link, Alison informed us that there will be a Mediation session between Council and Eastlink lawyers, prior to a Court date set for 24 Sep. The Council is arguing that the State Government has not followed due process, has ignored the Independent Panel and are not following the plan that was put to the community.
In response to questioning about Council rates, Alison confirmed they would be increasing by two percent, similar to past increases notwithstanding curtailment of activities during Covid-19 restrictions. Alison explained that the allocated funding for intended events which did not go ahead this year, will be apportioned to those in the future. The exact amount or specific events has not been decided at this point and won’t be until there is assurance about our lifestyle moving out of Covid-19 restrictions.

Regarding Council elections coming up, council is definitely going ahead with a postal-only voting option. There will be nine Single-councillor wards for this election. Although final boundaries have not yet been announced, it would appear the boundary between Chelsworth and Griffin wards could be The Boulevard.

Alison confirmed the Council’s continuing commitment to the Rotary playground recycling program.

To view a PDF copy of the bulletin, click here => RC of Ivanhoe 3 June 2020